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The attorneys were livid and let it be known that they had never been treated like this before.“Has anyone tried to blow you up lately?” I asked.For the next two hours they tried to get various confidential information that I denied them access to for security reasons. We gave them general information that was available publicly.After the two hours Jenny asked for their client’s name and what position he had applied for; discovery works both ways.Malcolm Wicks had applied for a job in the security department when we were adding manpower for the embassy expansions.There were now five levels for employees in security. Level one is mall and school security; I did not like that we were doing that but it was a joint effort by Ching Lee and Vicky under Ching Lee’s supervision, although we did not have too many of them yet.Level two is college security with the team leaders being level three; all of them reporting to Ching Lee and Mark.Level four is Embassy security with the team leaders at. I understood what service they wanted to appreciate. I never did visit the married women but I did sample a couple of the other ladies that wanted to show their appreciation.After I returned home from the Navy I went to college on the GI Bill. I was farming the old home place while I went to school and lived 45 miles from campus. I drove it daily. My first class was 8 in the morning and I was finished most days before noon. Since most college students hated early classes I didn't meet many eligible women during my college career. Tuesday and Thursday I sometimes had Labs that I did that stretched into the afternoon so I met some there but no one special. Anyway between working on the farm and studying I didn't have much time for a social life because of the distance I lived from the college.I used to go into Wheatland or Wilsons Mill to shoot pool evenings if I didn't have to study or work my farm. Many days in the summer I went in for lunch and played dominoes with some of the old.
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